
I created this blog to share my thoughts, experiences, dreams/goals, and random things in my life.
This is a place where everyone is welcome.a place to sleeplessly dream!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Now?

Well if you follow blog you know that I was waiting to hear back from Dorrance Publishing. After waiting three long weeks I got the email that I had been waiting for. The email was a confirmation that the company wanted to publish my book,but the catch was I would have little involvement in the process. Why in the world would I write a book then put it in someone else's hands to do as they please, I thanked them for the offer and proceeded with my search for a publisher. I've decided to go with a self publishing company but considering the only money that I have in my pocket is a whole dollar I'm at a stand still. I just lost my job so I don't have any money to spare. I'm only twenty years old so I have plenty of time to publish a book,RIGHT!? I have been working so hard and it really pisses me off that I can't moved forward until I come up with at-least fifteen hundred dollars. 

I'm stuck with the question WHAT NOW? I am more than determined to get this money because publishing this book is the biggest GOAL and DREAM that I have right now. This experience really makes me understand the phrase," You don't grind you don't shine."

Until next time..............................!

"Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace."
Victor Hugo

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