
I created this blog to share my thoughts, experiences, dreams/goals, and random things in my life.
This is a place where everyone is welcome.a place to sleeplessly dream!

Monday, February 21, 2011

CHAR (The Bad Girls Club)

First off let me start off by saying......

I watch the show for entertainment purposes and she messes that up for me. Granted the show is already full of drama but this heffa brings more drama than it's worth. She claims Nikki and Lauren are so childish but she stirs shit up between them and the other house members for no reason. The chick is 27 or 28 and has a corporate job, why in the world would you even want to be apart of some shit like the Bad Girls Club. Someone as sophisticated and classy as she claims to be shouldn't even want to be apart of such madness. 27 isn't old but most of the Bad Girls are in their early twenty's so 9 times of 10 the things that their doing a 27 or 28 year old has already done, and probably is pass it on top of such the Bad Girls Club is all about being crazy and having fun......
Again why is Char on the show? 

I can't stand when the brawd says,"Play with it and rotate." What in the hell does that even mean? There are so many things that she does to show that she is a coward. The minute Lauren hit her in the face she walked away and started to cry, what happened to being
I know it isn't easy living in that house but don't go walking around like your better than people and above everything else don't be slick with your words and not be able to back them up. She really thinks she runs the house but deny's that she ever said that when the tapes clearly prove other wise. She is one of those people who does things when they are convenient and expects everyone to follow her lead. Fuck that! It seems like every time Char gets into with Nikki or Lauren one of the other girls is there to back her up and when they aren't she backs down. No matter where you are in life you need to be able to back yourself up with our without other people and Char simply can't do that. I think her problem is that she is insecure and she feels threatened by the younger girls. What killed me was when she was talking to Tanisha and the caller asked why she hadn't brought any one home. She said because her standards were high and pretty much that she was looking for something serious. WTF? Honey you don't go on the Bad Girls Club and party every fucken night and expect to find Mr. Right.

I really just can't stand her uppity want to be.....
H.B.I.C(Head Bitch In Charge)

Okay I won't waste my time on her any longer I will see you all next blog!

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