
I created this blog to share my thoughts, experiences, dreams/goals, and random things in my life.
This is a place where everyone is welcome.a place to sleeplessly dream!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nothing to say

I really don't have much to talk about. My day was pretty LAME. I went to Walmart and got irritated with all the shoppers(vultures). People piss me off they would rather squeeze by or wait stupidly instead of saying excuse me. Sometimes I will just be ignorant and stand in the way just because someone won't say excuse me. I have to hold my tongue most days because I tend to want to go off which is really uncalled for. Other than shopping I had to drive in the snow. It's fine and dandy that it's snowing but where were the damn plow trucks? It was so sloppy that you couldn't see the lines in the road people were just driving, playing follow the leader. I'm not a fan of snow but I can deal with it but between stupid drivers, and slush snow was my worst enemy today. My car on the other hand really isn't a fan of snow, she runs but she doesn't run like she does in the summer :-(  BUMMER!
That was pretty much my day. I did text my ex and it turns out that he does have a new girlfriend but he thinks it's okay because he loves me and doesn't love her. First he said it was just a facebook crush now he confirms that she is his girlfriend. He misses me and her but he still wants to be with me but he's with her. How dumb does all of that sound? It's okay because I am going to just move on and let him be a thing of the past, nothing will ever change. 
That is pretty much everything that happened today, pretty boring huh? Well I won't bore you any more, maybe on Tuesday when I write my next blog something interesting will happen....maybe not but I will see you then!

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