
I created this blog to share my thoughts, experiences, dreams/goals, and random things in my life.
This is a place where everyone is welcome.a place to sleeplessly dream!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Last Song

I'm not a big Miley Cyrus fan but out of boredom I watched the movie she was in," The Last Song." I didn't get to see the beginning so I will have to watch it again but basically the film is about a girls relationship with her father. After watching the movie I began thinking about my own dad. The girl (Miley) has a rocky relationship with her dad but goes to spend the summer with him and her brother. Towards the end of their summer she finds out that he is ill. I'm not sure what ailed him because I missed that part, but she began thinking about her relationship with him and the distance between him and her music.  I related to this movie because much like Miley's character I push people away and I'm not always the nicest to my dad but it would kill me if something ever happened to him. The whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking about my dad and myself. It's funny how we push the people that we love the most away. Although I may not always act like it but my dad is my world and without him I would lose my mind. My dad is the one who taught me how to ride my bike, he pitched my my first baseball and helped me shoot my first hoop. I listen to people talk poorly about their fathers and feel bad because they never got to experience what it was like having a great dad. The Last Song made me open my eyes and it shed so much light on how much family and friends mean to me. You don't turn your back on the people you love and you must forgive yourself and people for the hurt they've caused so that you can move forward in life. I recommend that people watch The Last Song and see what they can draw from the movie.

My dad and I back in "09" at my H.S Graduation

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