
I created this blog to share my thoughts, experiences, dreams/goals, and random things in my life.
This is a place where everyone is welcome.a place to sleeplessly dream!

Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Monday AGAIN

          Well the weekend is over so it's back to the boring hustle of everyday. I wake up, take a shower, check my email, then watch T.V. and I might work on my book if my creative juices are flowing. I feel like I have no life LITERALLY. I don't have friends any more because everyone seems to have their head stuck up their ass. I don't have a boyfriend because apparently I did everything wrong and he was Mr. Perfect. My life is just majorly boring. Maybe I will start going to clubs and meeting random strangers? Nah... It's weird how one minute your life can be going great and the next it's in a downward spiral. I know my life isn't as bad as the next persons and it could actually be worse but it still sucks kind of bad.(Giggles) I won't complain because I have my health, that sounds like such a cliche but it's true. Some folks are sucking food through a tube struggling to breathe, so I should be thankful. I really don't have much to talk about today but I'm trying to be consistent and dedicated to   this blog so I had to write something, its not like any body reads it any way. My weekend was pretty lame besides Friday. Friday I went over to my sisters place with her roommate and one of their friends, that was pretty fun. I managed to crack a bottle of nail polish on their table and it went everywhere, it was pretty funny even though I was scrubbing the carpet until I couldn't feel my hands. I guess I've said all I had to say since I didnt have dilly squat to say in the first place. 
Be blessed..or is it Stay blessed? Well you decide!

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”

---Ashley Smith

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